Kids' Corner

Check out these fun resources:

Raz-Kids is a great online library where you can listen to, read, and then answer questions about all kinds of books on your own reading level. And, the more you read, the more star points you earn!

ABCYa is a fun way to practice many skills including math, literacy and strategy skills. You can choose from hundreds of games at your grade level.

*Families, you can purchase a monthly subscription to gain access to all games and activities*


Epic is a digital library with thousands of well known titles. A subscription is needed.

Use the promo code "EPICREADS" for a 60 day free trial!


FOSSweb has science games, activities, and eBooks as well as vocabulary and science resources for kids and parents. Explore and Enjoy!

NewsELA provides over 1,000 nonfiction & current event articles at five different reading and comprehension levels. If your teacher has created an account for you, you can log-in here.

PBS Kids is a free, educational website for students to play and learn. You do not need to create an account to use this website, however if you would like to save your work between uses then you should create a free account.

Power Typing is a free typing tutor for kids and adults alike. This program will help you improve your typing skills through lessons, tutorials, practice, quizzes, and games.

Skoolbo is a fun and exciting digital program that helps students (Pre-K to 5th) improve Math & ELA skills.

If using a computer, be sure to download the program onto your computer to enjoy the video game graphics. Every River East Student has a free account that can be played anywhere, ask your teacher for your account information.

Starfall is full of games and activities to practice early academic skills for our youngest learners (Pre-K-Kindergarten). Many resources are free, but families you can purchase a year long membership to access additional content.

KidzSearch is powered by Google, but its results are kid-friendly. The sites are usually easier to read and relate to as kids. Use this search engine when doing research or looking for any information in a kid-friendly format.